Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The 2G Experience

Is Groovy the future of Java? It may well be. The worst thing about Groovy these days is it's name. Want to terrify your boss? Go up to him and tell him you want to switch all your development to something called "Groovy". And don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. I'm lobbying the Groovy community to make a subtle name change, and it only applies when you are standing near some manager/adult. When they are around, always refer to Groovy as "The Enterprise Business Execution Language" (or even better, ebXl). That just sounds like something that a manager would go for (especially with that sexy capital "X" in the name -- what manager could resist?)

You too can have your chance to lobby the Groovy world at the upcoming 2G Experience, the first major North American Groovy/Grails conference. All the big names are going to be there, including folks from over the ocean. I'm going to be there as well, talking about Design Patterns in Groovy, Groovyizing Your Day Job (or how to start using it without frightening your boss), and a JRuby/Groovy Comparison, which should raise some hackles on both sides of the aisle. If you care at all about Groovy, this is the place to be in February.


Leonardo Borges said...

Groovy is not that bad.... we spent the last several years deploying things called java beans, and managers loved that!

Maybe because of the enterprise in its name.... as long as it is enterprise, its name doesn't really matter! :)

Hamlet D'Arcy said...

I'd love to see the Groovy Design Pattern slides when it's all done... Or you could make me wait for the next No Fluff.

Unknown said...

can't we just call it "2G" already? pretty please...and i don't want to hear from people who say "what if you don't use grails?" your mgmr isn't going to know the difference.

Chris said...

Seriously why isn't this being held in Dallas? ;)

Neal Ford said...

Talk to Jay! He's the man.

Nitin Reddy Katkam said...

Groovy could be the thing that makes Java more like Microsoft .NET - a single platform for multiple languages. Currently, there's Jython and a few lesser known languages, but if Groovy grows to something big, Java could be known as more than just a language.

I think it would be cool to also have languages target both the Java and .NET platforms. It would make deployment so much simpler - compile your code for any version of any framework... dependences from a framework can be separated into libraries, sort of like patching but only different!