While I've been "away", hammering away at my own book project (see
this blog entry for that history), several important books have arrived that I haven't had a chance to talk about. I'll cover them in chronological order. The first is
Groovy Recipes by Scott Davis. This is the Scott half of a book project that he and Venkat Subramaniam started a while ago as a single book (disclaimer: I know both authors quite well), and they quickly realized that they were writing separate books, so they made that a reality (I'll talk about Venkat's book in my next post). Groovy Recipes does what the title says: gives you recipes for how to get stuff done in Groovy. But that's only part of the value of this book. It also teaches how to become an idiomatic Groovy developer. And that's incredibly important. The classic book on C, the K&R book
The C Programming Language, did 2 things for C. First and foremost, it taught developers about the c programming language. But the second more subtle thing it did was to teach developers how to be idiomatic C programmers. I can remember reading the book and marveling at the conciseness of the code, which had as much to do with the way the language was used as the language itself.
Anytime you learn a new language, you have 2 battles: first, learn the syntax (which is the easiest part -- it's just details of how familiar concepts are expressed in the new syntax). The second battle is the more important one: how to become an idiomatic programmer in that language. Developers new to a language tend to write new code just like code from their former language, using new syntax. Only when they've had time to steep in the better, more elegant ways of expressing yourself in a new language do they truly become proficient. That's what Groovy Recipes does for Groovy developers. It shows not just the syntax, but how to idiomatically use that syntax to become proficient with Groovy. Groovy is a much more powerful language than Java. While you can take a Java source file and rename it with a groovy extension and have it still work, you're writing Groovy code like a Java developer. After you've seen and used Groovy for a while, you start writing code like a Groovy developer. The Groovy Recipes book is two things: recipes for using Groovy to solve problems. But, more importantly, it teaches idiomatic Groovy programming, which is the long-term benefit of the book.
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